Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Five Star Fido Becomes Leading Online Pet Boutique In Laguna Hills, CA

PR Log (Press Release) – Dec 08, 2009 – Five Star Fido was founded in 2007 to provide the most comprehensive online catalog of dog and miscellaneous pet supplies. Specializing in higher-end and designer dog couture, carriers, furniture and other pet accessories, Five Star Fido has found its niche among pet lovers across the gamut, though its expansive collection of exclusive and designer dog couture, including lines from Christian Audigier and  Paris Hilton, attracts a very specific type of dog lover.

Five Star Fido currently offers a selection of nearly 8 thousand (8,000) products which includes everything from dog boots and pants to ceramic dog bowls and even dog grooming supplies. Positioned to quickly become a leading authority in the pet supplies industry (which raked in an astounding 40+ billion last year),  Five Star Fido has an online catalog of dog supplies that outnumbers even that of Pet Smart. This already impressive catalog continues to grow and will be approaching more than ten-thousand (10,000) before the start of the New Year.

With so many other online pet supplies companies, it may seem surprising that Five Star Fido has been able to claim a piece of the pie in this competitive market. It may have something to do with the exclusivity of many of its products or the fact that it usually seems to boast the lowest market prices, competing even with companies like and Fetch Dog. Nevertheless, Five Star Fido is leveling the playing field with outstanding marks in customer relations, marketing and a firm understanding of the unique demands of the pet supplies industry.

Ambitious to expand its online presence, Five Star Fido is in preparation of launching stores with both Amazon and Ebay, the two largest online marketplaces in the world.  Reaching a cumulative audience that surpasses 150 million a month, most of whom are proven buyers, Amazon and Ebay are prime marketplaces for any online company. Currently there are no other companies that sell on either Ebay or Amazon that offer such a large selection of dog supplies. Five Star Fido is sure to garner much online attention from this decision.

Though born in recession-ridden 2007, Five Star Fido has grown astronomically through its nascent phases. Grown to reach a page rank of 4 with over 34,600 pages indexed and ranked in the top half  million websites according to, all while trafficking around fifty-thousand unique visitors a month and growing, the privately held online store is holding its ground well, despite the usual speed bumps encountered with any startup in a recession. In an industry poised to rake in more than 50 billion dollars in 2010 on the back of a burgeoning economy, Five Star Fido finds itself in the midst of a promising future.

Five Star Fido also offers local customers access to its storefront  located in Laguna Hills, CA.

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